Je Váš počítač pomalý? Mám pro Vás speciální, časově omezenou nabídku na podstatné zrychlení Vašeho PC či notebooku!Is your computer slow? I have a special, time-limited offer for you to significantly speed up your PC or laptop!

I will create effective website for you

You surely want to present yourself with a website that is high-quality, modern, affordable and has a specific goal – from a simple business presentation to pages that will get you new customers. Therefore, I offer several options from which you will certainly choose, whether you are a small or large company or a private person.


Stranky na notebooku kul

Before deciding which option would be best for you, please consider following important information:

  • Should my website be of merely informative value or do I want its visitors to take action (buying, leaving their mail, contacting our company by phone/mail, etc.)?
  • Do you know what kind of visitors will come to your site and how they will behave there? A preliminary analysis may be needed.
  • Text is of utmost importance. It must be written specifically for the website, taking the analysis of potential visitors into account. If you do not have the text prepared by an expert (copywriter), take into account that the text you supply will need to be fine-tuned.
  • Photos are also important. If you do not have any good and suitable, you will need to get some.
  • How will people know about your site? Will you need premium search engine optimization (for Google, Seznam)? Will you choose any form of advertising?

Of course, I will help you with all that, but it is good to think about these things from the beginning. Making a good and beneficial website will take some time, effort and money.

Tvorba webových stránek na zakázku

Web design offer

All options include:

  • responsive design for mobiles and tablets
  • secure protocol https
  • customized 404 error page
  • indexing the site with search engines p An explanation of terms can be found in FAQ.

Prices may vary depending on additional customer requirements. Example of items for extra charge (price will be agreed individually):

  • multilingual version of the site
  • mailing
  • booking system (e.g. restaurant, accommodation)
  • e‑shop
  • advanced site traffic analytics
  • social networking
  • internet (PPC) advertising

Optional regular website maintenance: 500 CZK/month (~€20/month)
(continuous monitoring of site availability, regular security updates and one small text editing per month)

Note: I recommend Simple presentation for private purposes only or for a small entrepreneur who wants just simple info on the web and will refer most customers to the site by himself/herself. In the case of entrepreneurs, it is necessary to add a page about the processing of personal data in order to comply with legal obligations within the GDPR (500 CZK, ~€20). If you want something more to get from the site, do not be afraid to pay extra, it will surely pay off soon. You can read more in FAQ or contact me directly for more information.

Examples of my web design

E‑shop with premium Italian wines Chovan.cz

apartmentsprague4.cz home page
apartmentsprague4.cz - apartment Krč
apartmentsprague4.cz directions

I migrated the e‑shop to the new modern platform Shoptet. This included the following: data analysis, export, and import; graphic design and templates configuration; styling in CSS and functional adjustments in JavaScript / JQuery, a configuration of the e‑shop and its modules settings; domain migration; a configuration of basic analytics of visits and sales; a configuration of feeds for price comparison websites.

Apartments Prague 4

apartmentsprague4.cz home page
apartmentsprague4.cz - apartment Krč
apartmentsprague4.cz directions

When making the website for Apartments Prague 4 accommodation, apart from the basic design of the site, I also did the following: business model consultations, market research, logo design, copywriting, translation into English and creation of the English version of the website, photography and photo editing, SEO, traffic analysis; registration on the travel portals Booking.com, AirBnb, Expedia and tuning their settings; launching the hotel software Previo, tuning its settings and integration of the reservation system into the website.

Apartments Prague 4 has closed due to the pandemic, so pictures of the original pages are available.

Svět mluveného slova (The World of Spoken Word)

svetmluvenehoslova.cz home page
svetmluvenehoslova.cz článek
svetmluvenehoslova.cz kategorie

When creating pages for the professional website Svět mluveného slova, apart from the basic design of the site, I also did the following: overall concept design, logo design, copywriting, photo editing, article authoring, SEO, traffic analysis, launching of discussion system, launching notifications about new articles via Mailchimp.



Could I save some money on the site design?

Occasionally a free website design is offered on the Internet. Or you can think that it could be done by a friend of yours who is studying something about computers in school. Theoretically it is possible, but it is similar to a car repair. You can do it yourself or entrust it to a more educated layman, but is it reasonable nowadays? There is not much to repair by yourself on modern cars and would you risk e.g. the failure of the brakes?

It is similar case for modern websites. You have to master several fields to design good websites: marketing, graphic design, copywriting, SEO, IT security, coding (programming). If you underestimate some of them, the site will look amateurish or will be ineffective, meaningless or counterproductive.

If you underestimate security, you can cause disgrace after your site is attacked, but on top of that it can be expensive if customers’ data leaks. Believe me, a lot of home-made sites or sites too cheap can be breached within hours or days. The hackers have automated tools for it, so no matter for them if you are a small and insignificant business. And you will even not know that someone else got your data.

So, entrust the expert work to the experts, whoever you choose, and set aside a reasonably large budget, because no one is wealthy enough to buy cheap things that need to be replaced anyway.

Is text or graphics more important?

Although graphics are what most perceive at first glance, they are surprisingly not more important than text content. Of course, graphics should attract the visitor. It has about a quarter share in the quality of the site. But the reason why someone came to your site and why he/she stays there is mainly information or the possibility to buy something, etc. That means content. That is why the text is very important.

Of course, the text can be supported by photographs or video, because the picture is worth a thousand words. But even for video you need a special text. It is advisable not to underestimate the preparation of the text and tailor it appropriately for the web. I can make adjustments for you for some amount of text but in case of larger quantities or some complicated assignment it will be good to involve a specialized copywriter.

Does it finish with the launch of the new or upgraded site?

It would be nice, but you have to take care of everything, the house, the car and the web. For security reasons, it is necessary to update the software running the site regularly. You will need occasionally to change some text or even more. It is also a good idea to constantly monitor whether your site is running without downtime and whether it is fast enough. Therefore, you can find the option to order regular maintenance of your site, so that you will not have any worries.

I don’t quite understand some of the terms, can you explain them to me?

Like every industry, web design has its own terms that sometimes are not clear to general public. Here are a few of them whose meaning is good to know:

Copywriting – writing texts, especially those that are intended to attract readers or listeners, evoke emotions, encourage action or just remember your company.

CTA, call to action – call for action, for example to make a purchase, leave an e‑mail address, call your phone, etc.

https – protocol enabling secure communication of the web browser with the web server. Today, this is a necessity, not only because of security and increased page load speeds, but also because Google puts sites running the old http protocol at disadvantage in search results.

Error page 404 – if a user enters an address that does not exists on your domain, he gets to the page with an error message. If such a page is properly designed, it is likely that the user will not go away, but will continue to read on existing pages.

PPC advertising, pay per click – popular form of advertising on the Internet, when you pay for each click on your ad, which can be in the form of a banner or in the form of a top search engine results (notice a small square with label Ad for the first few results Google shows you).

SEO – search engine optimization that helps potential visitors find you on Google, Seznam, etc.

Responsive design – since a large number of users today are browsing the web on their mobile devices, it is essential that the pages are adapted to be viewed on smaller mobile and tablet displays and be finger-friendly, in addition to a nice display on the regular monitor.

Indexing the website for search engines – let major search engines know about your new or upgraded site so that it can appear in search results as soon as possible.

Contact me

For further information please call me or send me an e‑mail or SMS. 

+420 731 401 854

(click or tap for calling)

Copyright © 2021 Miloslav Kříž